Saturday 4 October 2014


Every family has their own portion of drama. However popuar / controversial Journalist Kemi narrated how she was beaten by her elder sister and nephew.Kemi through her spokesperson, Zoie Roberts in a press statement,disclosed that the incident occurred in Ibadan at 5.15 pm,Wednesday September 17 2014.
Read the drama below

I have been recovering from a brutal attack where as a Journalist, I was brutally attacked and beaten to unconsciousness by a Government official here in Nigeria.However the politician is my own sister and our father is a high elderly ranking politician. 

This is the biggest story in Nigeria right now but I want your viewers to see the bigger picture. Nigeria has NO domestic violence laws. Police is never involved. No restraining orders, arrests or even justice. Help me, I have a $350,000 hospital bill on the way and more victims waiting to be attacked. It is this fact that has left up to 17 Nigerian men who have killed their wives in America. I will give you every case or Google "Nigerian Men Killing their Wives in the USA"" Each of these families came to America thru this green card lotto which has now been cancelled. Many Nigerian men felt they can continue that habit in America. Pls give me a voice. I suffered life threatening injuries and as a broadcaster I am now partially deaf, experiencing seizures and left my job as HNNAfrica's News Director after a whole year with the 1st anniversary this weekend. 

Children are getting killed in the hands of parents and grandparents in Nigeria, brothers are beating up sisters and vice versa but remember, no police till someone is killed...Till it's too LATE! #FamilyDomesticViolence is killing us in Nigeria!! 

Maybe you can speak to our new police Chief Suleiman on this ongoing problem. I have not lived in this society for 37 years. Nobody takes me seriously on this topic. It has affected my American born children and destroyed the family unit. I want to use my own experience to have a bigger problem tackled''. 


 There are the concerned parties sides and the the truth. Monday 15th September 2014 left me shocked and speechless, I had so many plans for that day and in a twinkle of an eye it all turned gloomy. 

An argument ensued between the maid(Naomi) and Kemi Olunloyo, kemi wanted to boil water in her sister's kitchen with her sister's gas cooker and Naomi advised her to use electric cooker since there was power supply. Kemi initially agreed but to Naomi's surprise she went to her room to bring a big stick and demanded that the maid opened the gas so she could cook. 

It was obvious that Kemi had nothing to cook because she rarely cooked. Naomi asked her to bring what she wanted to cook but instead of kemi bringing the food she hit her with the stick until it broke. She immediately reached for a keg of gasoline and luckily for the Naomi it was almost empty.

 Kemi kept looking for trouble and the next thing she went inside the house and damaged the fridge that belongs to her sister,Funke pouring everything inside it out. Naomi and Fifehan (Funke's son) tried everything to calm her down and in a bid to defend herself Naomi took the wooden part of hoe to scare Kemi away. 

Kemi went to her own apartment which is still situated in the house. For a while things were calm.Funke returned from work after being informed about what was happening at home,Kemi's mother also came to the house to see things for herself. Immediately Kemi saw that her mum wasn't on her side because according to her mum all she did was uncalled for,Kemi started raining abuses and curses on her own mother. 

They all decided to be quiet because by then they realised Kemi was just looking for trouble as it wasn't uncommon for Kemi to do things like that. They watched her insult her mum for a while and when Kemi saw no one was paying attention to her she stopped and went back to her apartment. 

Everyone thought that was the end until the following Wednesday when kemi's Mum came to pick some things she kept in the apartment,Kemi refused to open the door for her mum and so it was decided that they unscrew the handle of the door in order to let Kemi's Mum gain entry. When kemi noticed the door was opened she immediately took to beating her mum so much that her glasses fell off. 

She also pushed her sister who was trying to defend their helpless mother. All of these were not surprising to the members of the family as it is commonplace for Kemi to have these fits occasionally, she also goes as far as blocking you from her so called page or outrightly curse people who challenge her actions. Kemi went outside and was looking for something to destroy when she immediately spotted her sister's drum of water, she broke it. 

At that point,the people around were so angry they had to stop her. At that point, she became uncontrollable and the people resisting her (Fifehan included) had to fight back. Kemi was not moved by that because almost immediately she went into the kitchen to destroy more things. At this stage her family members saw that Kemi's situation had escalated more than they had imagined and so they all left her. 

It was highly surprising for them all when they realised that Kemi had taken the matter public and had twisted it in her favour. Her story is rather ridiculous because ....
1. Why would your family members especially your mum(a woman in her seventies), your nephew(who is only 15) and your sister (who is so busy with real life) beat you for no reason. 

2. No matter what you did how can they break a flower pot as big as the image on your head). 

3. How can you go into a coma and they will watch you without taking you to the hospital. 

4. How can you have brain injuries and still narrate a story as detailed as that. 

5. If you claim its your publicist who is narrating how did he or she get such a detailed story. 

6. If the story was indeed true how will you need such a ridiculous amount of money for surgery. 

7. If the story was true why did she have to embarrass her nephew who is only a minor.

8. If the story was true did she need to dig up dirt on her sister, so much unnecessary details that makes it look like she was always planning this.

 9. If the story was true, why would she involve the governor and even lie about a video of the incident. Just like the way kemi has tried to bring down all other public figures from Bianca ojukwu to Pastor adeboye, even Bishop oyedepo, Dora akunyuli, President Jonathan and the likes which is exactly what she is doing to her sister but in a greater proportion because she (her sister) is 'unfortunate' enough to be a supporter of the APC according to her.

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