Tuesday 30 September 2014


A new video from ISIS has been posted online showing British hostage John Cantlie criticising Obama's military strategy for combating the terror group

Culled from DM

British ISIS hostage John Cantlie has appeared in a new propaganda video on behalf of the group, criticising President Barack Obama's 'disappointingly predictable' action against the militants.

Wearing an orange Guantanamo-style jumpsuit and speaking directly to the camera, Cantlie attacks the West's plans to use Iraqi troops and Syrian rebels to fight ISIS.
In forced speech, spoken as if reading from a script, Cantlie says organising the Iraqi army will take months, and describes the Free Syrian Army as 'undisciplined, corrupt and largely ineffective
He also says that arming the Syrian rebels with Western weapons is 'largely useless', because many are sold on the black market and end up in the hands of ISIS soldiers.
Speaking about U.S.-led airstrikes, Cantlie goes on to say: 'Air power is good at taking out specific targets but it is not much use a taking and holding ground.
'For that you need effective and disciplined troops and it is hard to see how this hotch-potch army with a long history of underprofming is going to be any form of credible infantry. '
At the start of the footage, Cantlie, who was captured in 2012, describes himself as a long-term prisoner of the Islamic State and says he has been 'abandoned' by the British Government.
He was captured since 2012.

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