Monday 15 September 2014


We were in our 200 level. At this time, everything in my life seemed to be moving fine except for the incessant thoughts surrounding my terrible CGPA.
I had gone to check my first year ‘s GPA( Grade Point Average) and received the shocker of my life  when my course adviser  said Tessy  2.1.

2.1 was a third class and wasn’t anything close to the GP I wanted. I cried my eyes out, deliberated over the whole situation and decided to take a concrete decision.
It was apparent my relationship and friends plus tons of extra-curricular school activities were having a negative toll on my grades and I was determined to cut them down.
Depressed and dejected, I sought Oluchi out to tell her  my sad news and was shocked to find both Oluchi and Linda looking downcast and dejected as well.
What is the matter I asked? Oluchi revealed her GP was a mess as well, far worse than mine, but Linda’s challenge was of a different dimension, totally non-academic.
I sat down and listened as Linda cried hysterically. She later braced herself and gushed saying ‘’ Can you believe that after my loyalty and dedication to Sammy, he got his colleague pregnant and they are getting married''.
My God Linda, I exclaimed. Are you serious? My eyes popping rounded with surprise and my ears alert in disbelief.
‘’Kai, men are terrible ooo’’ Oluchi chipped in. ‘’ After all you did for him, the sacrifices, he stabbed you in the back ‘’.
Linda continued heavily sobbing. '' I slept in the hospital for months when he had a life threatening accident,  11 months to be precise. I cooked, washed, catered to all his needs, sacrificed my lectures to be by his side and this is how he pays me back? It will not be well with him’’ she continued crying.
At this point, Oluchi and I forgot our sinking GPA’S. 
Obviously, Linda had a bigger problem and we couldn’t afford to be selfish stressing our issues, but had to sympathise with her.
Linda had dated Sammy for over 5years, dreamt about a life of bliss as a wife to Sammy , but had her dreams crushed.

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