Thursday 4 September 2014


Miss busy body Linda was a room mate to  my friend Oluchi and was also in the same department as us.
Linda was very funny, talkative, hyperactive , smart and had a weakness for not being able to  keep secrets or her mouth shut. There was never a dull moment around her.

''How come you girls are dating very prominent guys on campus, gist me , how did it happen ? She would quiz over and over again.  When she recognises she ain't getting her needed answers , she migrates to gossip. '' Did you girls hear? Sharon dumped  Jude, Chris eyed me, John asked Charity for money, Chinwe is fake, that lecturer is on my case etc. 
There were never ending topics that could spill from Linda's mouth and Oluchi and I were careful not to tell her any personal stuff as we were sure the  ''whole world'' would hear it.
At that time, Linda was seeing her boyfriend of many years Sammy who was in his finals while we were in our first year.
He was Linda's all in all or better put  Knight in shining armour.
''I am still luckier than you girls '' she'd gush to Oluchi and I. '' Sammy would graduate, get a job in an oil company ( he was an engineering student) and come and get married to me before my finals , while your boyfriends would still be in school ''.
Oluchi and I would burst into laughter imagining how Linda could forecast the future without any gifts or skills. Just when we tought she was done, she would start again
'' My wedding dress will be this , that, you girls would be on my train, I simply can't wait'' etc.
 We are waiting ooo Oluchi and I would reply laughing out so loud. Linda being a HUGE CASE was an understatement.

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