I often get bombared with words like ''Time is going , your biological clock is ticking '' etc from family members and some of my friends of late.
I wonder where it was ever written that once you clock 30 , you automatically become an old maid loool.
Well I am not 30, and don't bother because I won't reveal my real age on this blog lol.
You'd think your single friends would help matters being in the same category with you , but some are so distressed and depressed and unknowingly put pressure on you with words , complaints about that , this , delay etc.
The truth is I never imagined being single at this age though ( I am still young, but not really loool). I began praying for the husband of my dreams when I was 16. I even made a list of qualities I wanted , could manage and bad qualities I couldn't overlook and manage.
Fast forward years after my list at sixteen , I am single lool. Some close relatives can't even understand why.
Some go like '' I mean you are pretty, hardworking , smart, God fearing etc, why are you still single , when loads of normal girls are getting married each day?''.
An aunt was like '' You need to cut down your standards, your qualities must be outrageous, the problem must be you, just settle. There is no perfect man out there oooo, hian I am telling you oooo''.
She goes on '' Infact, forget love, just marry to get your kids and focus on them ,because men aren't even all worth it'' ( Chei ! and I believed in true love and a happy home).
Are the qualities of what I want on my list of the future father of my kids too high ? I begin wondering.
I head back to my list and go through the qualities , and I am convinced I have clearly listed all that I am as qualities I want in a husband, so it seems fair ( God you are hearing ooo).
Qualities such as my husband must be Dbanj, Don Jazzy , a celeb , a President or Minister's son etc aren't on my list , not like if it comes I will reject ooo ( loool, I cannot reject sugar put in my mouth).
Wishes such as a wedding in Dubai , Hawaii , the Carribeans are not even listed , even though I dream choice destinations atimes.
The problem isn't me or maybe partially as I begin recounting potential suitors that have come my way and experiences from my friends married already.
A certain potential suitor once kept bombarding me with questions with regards how I'd react if I had a cheating and partying husband. He so emphasized the point, that I automatically knew he had zero'd his mind to cheating once he got married to me or any other unlucky lady lool.
He went like '' You know this is Nigeria, men cannot be satisfied with one lady, they are polygamous in nature etc besides that's why marrying a God fearing woman is important so she overlooks and forgives''.
What da hell? Jeeeez , I mean oops! loool. Eeeeeh? You don't mean it? I exclaimed.
Who says being God fearing automatically means you'd be a fool and a dummy?
So it is ok to continually bang everything that pleases you in skirt and because I'm God fearing , I just keep chewing and swallowing, while you walk about feeling cool and not seeing anything wrong with it.
Have you heard of rat poison?( You will decode if you are smart) I asked him, with his eyes rounded in surprise. Women also get tired of marriages too you know. It is also not easy waking up to one particular being for the rest of your life, when there are dozen's of hunks out there. Who says that women also do not want to have a taste of ''Egusi, Banga, Afang'' ( Having relation's with other men ) Instead of Ogbono soup all the time like the men do?
Some close friend of mine even revealed how a major scandal is rocking her close relative's family , because the husband had slept with six of his wife's friends and acquaintances . I mean how mean can that be?
What about married men , who constantly go after single women? Trust is indeed gone as most women have emotionally detached from their husbands and if given the oppourtunity , or if he wasn't the father of thier kids could have done drastic stuff to them. ( You will get gists whenever you are in saloons and wherever women are gathered together lool).
Now I am not saying only men cheat, some women are worse no doubt. Some became champions at their games out of repeted broken hearts from thier trusted husbands or b'fs, while for some, it's embedded in the blood stream (lol).
But really though, why is it an acceptable norm in Naija that men should cheat on thier wives or in relationships?
If you dare open your mouth to complain, you'll be reminded that '' Men are polygamous in nature ( Gosh! I hate that phrase).
Some will even go as far as saying '' Your father did it to your mother'', Prince Charles did it to Diana, Bill Clinton did it to Hilary ( Monika Lewinsky saga), your husband will do it to you , the cycle continues''.
Interesting. Your wishlist is not out of place. There are still some few good men though.