The Melanesian (Africans) of Solomon Islands: The World's Only Black Blondes
I recently went to get some items at a supermaket at night, and an interesting event occured.
While checking my items at the counter, a voice from behind said, '' hey miss, your money just dropped''. I immediately turned around, got my money from the floor and rose to say thank you to the good samaritan behind for not picking my money and was greeted by an amazing sight. There he stood, tall , dark with piercing blue eyes. I was somehow scared at first , but braced myself.
While wondering if the gentle man in question wore contact lenses, some mega curious chick approached him and asked if his eyes were fake or real, and he responded saying he was born with bright blue eyes which has earned him loads of attention. He immediately turned an instant celeb in the supermaket with everyone hauling questions at him.
I got curious and decided to google. Are there really blacks born with natural blue eyes? Why didn't I have it (Sad face), and guess what I found? Indeed there are. I also discovered some blacks were also born with amazing blonde hair wow!
In many scientific studies and a more recent one conducted by the Copenhagen University the genetic mystery of "blue eyes" is said to have originated from the northeast coast of the Black Sea.
According to scientists the blue eyes could only be attributed to genetic mutation or Waardenburg syndrome (WS),which is a rare (1/40,000) disease characterized by sensorineural deafness in association with pigmentary anomalies and defects of neural-crest-derived tissues.
According to a team of researchers from Copenhagen University, a single mutation which arose as recently as 6-10,000 years ago was responsible for all the blue-eyed people alive on
earth today.
The team, whose research is published in the journal Human Genetics, identified a single mutation in a gene called OCA2, which arose by chance somewhere around the northwest coasts of the Black Sea in one single individual, about 8,000 years ago.
However,it is also a historical truth the Africans colonized Europe over 10,000 years ago and they were inf fact the first homo sapiens to cross Europe to Asia and south pacific. Could it also be that some blacks with blue eyes may have gotten blue eyes from their ancient African ancestors and whites that inter-bred during Africa`s colonization of Europe? This question has become more relevant as some few children born of both African/100% black parents possesses "blue eyes."

With regards the blonde hair found among blacks , below is what I found.
Melanesia is a subregion of Oceania extending from the western end of the Pacific Ocean to the Arafura Sea, and eastward to Fiji. The region comprises the countries of Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Fiji and Papua New Guinea; besides these independent countries.
Some recent studies suggest that all humans outside of Africa have inherited some genes from Neanderthals, and that Melanesians are the only known modern humans whose prehistoric ancestors interbred with the Denisova hominin, sharing 4%–6% of their genome with this ancient cousin of the Neanderthal.
Blonde hair is exceptionally rare outside Europe, but evolved independently in Melanesia where Melanesians of some islands (along with some Australian aborigines) are one of the few non-European peoples to have blond hair. This has been traced to an allele of TYRP1 unique to these people, and is not the same gene that causes blond hair in Europe.
Many assumed the blond hair of Melanesia was the result of gene flow — a trait passed on by European explorers, traders and others who visited in the preceding centuries. The islanders themselves give several possible explanations for its presence, said co-senior author Sean Myles, PhD, a former Stanford postdoctoral scholar who is now an assistant professor at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College. They generally chalked it up to sun exposure, or a diet rich in fish, he said.

I agree with the islanders that the blonde hair could be attributed to sun exposure because I know that during the summer seasons, when I'm exposed to the sun a lot the hair on my body changes to a blonde color. The hair on my head also changes to a reddish brown blonde color. I find it strange because I have a very dark complexion. It's funny that I notice it now as an adult because as a kid growing up in the Caribbean island of Trinidad, I never noticed it. My mom even notices the hair color changes on my body during the summer months. I wonder what it'll be like if I resided permanently on one of the islands.
ReplyDeleteUm, that doesn't make sense- then most Africans would be that blonde.
DeleteIt is attributed to a specific gene and is indeed genetic. Yes, hair can get lighter in summer months but that doesn't necessarily mean an epigenetic change. Whatever the cause, they are beautiful indeed. :)
Deletelmao uhhhhhhhhh def doesnt make sense lol then all of use island folks would have blonde hair and i my friend do not lol
DeleteThey are so beautiful! !!!!
ReplyDeleteI am SO thankful that there lovely child don't live in the USA. County imagine the hell they'd suffer???
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell are you talking about
Deletelet these people be, they are happy where they are
Deleteabout 1200 of them in America
DeleteY because thier more beautiful than the blonde hair blue eyed people in american never have to suffer with beauty like that only EVNY...
DeleteThey get hunted down by other tribes for voodoo and black magic, same thing with albinos, popular belief there says that raping them cures aids. I think those issues are WAY worse than envy.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI imagine some blacks are soooo happy with this news, particularly given the inferiority complex so many of us have. While some of the blue eyes look nice on the kids, some appear as if there might be a problem as the pupils don't appear very well defined. Regardless, just also thankful that these poor kids don't live in the US, Europe or any so-called First World region.
ReplyDeleteEvery person with Melanin in their skin should be happy about this, regardless of the geographical region one thing is for sure, their skin is black, Melanin rich like every other black skinned person on the face of this earth and their hair is naturally blond/blonde, now why should American blacks feel inferior about a hair color that occurs in black people naturally! Wake Up! Only in America can they steal our hair color use it and make us feel inferior about it!
DeleteJust get off this lame hypothesis and start reading into intergenerational trauma. Black slaves mostly did not come from Africa but from islands and were traded by black slavetraders. Before black slaves there were white slaves in America, mostly irish, treated in the same abominable way. In earlier Spain, in Greece, in the Middle East slaves of all colours were traded. In Spain if anything black slaves were considered more expensive, more exotic/more beautiful and better treated. Most black people these days are mongrolized just like white people, sometimes resulting in beautiful sometimes into ugly as my black friend from long ago used to say. Watching the Hip Hop scene, Beyonce, the Illuminati with alters, and a tvseries like Empire i am quite shocked how black people are being used to hypersexualise western societies. I hope you know it was black returned slaves to Liberia that caused a despicable civil war overthere. And regarding melanin. As a child during the summer constantly on a dutch beach my skin on my back became as black as a darker black person, not as some of the blueblack people in Angola. It could be adaptation to climate, it could be something different. These kids are something different entirely and black people should not claim that. Kids like this come in all colours. Personnally i just want you to thrive and us all to make a stand against those into eugenics/worldpopulationreduction, according to Ted Turner by 95 %. I get you are traumatized, wish you the courage to start your healingjourney.
DeleteMelanesians aren't Africans! They're completely unrelated to Africans!
ReplyDeleteYes they are silly, but of coarse I expected that to be said...smdh
DeleteYes they are silly, but I expected that to be said...smdh
DeleteIt is so sad, that so many of us don't know the real truth about our history. If they aren't Africans, then what are they. Research our history before you make comments. Haiti, Bahamas, Jamaica to name a few, all those people originated from Africa to different parts of the world.
DeleteThey are one of the real tribes of Israel is what they are like Australian aboriginals are of the tribe of Reuben and from Hawaii down through the pacific Island are tribe of Naphtali ok do the research on it because lots of Afro Americans have and they know there not African but are really tribe of Judah check out on YouTube GOCC 12 tribes of Israel...
DeleteDo you know anything about the tribe that emigrated to Australia and are not the same as the aboriginal people. i forgot their name so cannot google it anymore.
DeleteThey are simply beautiful
ReplyDeleteThey're really beautiful! The best of both worlds...the true definition of black beauty! (Skin tone)
ReplyDeleteStop claiming people as being part of your tribe. One black african tribe can't stand other black african tribes, which resulted in Ruanda, congo, Liberia, Sierra leone etc. Also know that still today there is slavery of black children in Africa and of white children in America. Be curious about your origin, stop being racist.
DeleteSolomon Islanders are'nt the only Melanesians to have natural blonde hair. There are some Papua New Guineans (Mostly from the East New Britain and New Ireland Provinces), Ni-Vans from Vanuatu and Fijians and also some Austrailian Aboriginals. And putting Africans in brackets, SERIOUSLY, thats an insult to the natives of Melanesia who have been in the Islands for thousands of years and have their own culture and language.
ReplyDeleteThe people who left Africa one hundred thousand years ago populated the South Pacific islands so yes, they are descended from Africans. This fact would only be considered an insult if one is ashamed to be associated with Africa.
DeleteAboriginals do not descend from Africa. So provide links for your hypothesis, instead of claiming some tiresome superiority based on skincolour. These kind of blue eyes also occur among white yezidis, chinese children etc. They look as if coming from the stars, some other race.
DeleteOMG!!!! Just call them black people!!!! They are beautiful!!!!
ReplyDeleteBlack is a term that was adopted by americans with a black skincolour, often descendants of slaves, which did not originate in Africa but were mostly from the islands. There also was a black tribe of native indigenous americans, The Olmec statue heads looking like some tribes with a black skincolour. From one tribe with a black skincolour to another there are such difference, there origin must have been different. The Nubia people , the Masai, nothing like other tribes with a black skincolour. With groups like Black lives matter working, knowingly or being used/programmed, towards a worldwide escalating racial war, you should do your homework and get of your high horse. Do some researching into the conflict between Hutus and Tutsi or into the Coltanmining. There are beautiful people and ugly people, they come in all skincolours and all have a right of existence, although beautiful people unjustly profit from that.
DeleteOMGoodness!!!! Just call them black people!!!! They are beautiful!!!!
ReplyDeleteThere are no black people. Just different tribes that have a black skincolour, possibly totally unrelated. The same goes for white people. We have no clue as to what lies at our true origins. Be curious.
DeleteAbsolutely beautiful
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThey are beutiful bt scary bcs its not every day u see black people with blond hair and blue eyes
ReplyDeleteFunny. These eyecolours trigger in me overwhelming happiness. They occur in yezidi children as well as in some chinese boy, afghan children and i am really curious as to what lies at their genetic origin. It is as if they are not of this world.
DeleteMy son has the same traits, not related to these islanders. He was born with blue gray eyes and now his hair is golden blonde with that same texture. I'm puzzled by his looks, lol. I was stopped by a woman in Wal-Mart and she told me about the Solomon island people. She was very fascinated by his hair. Very interesting!
ReplyDeleteHell no, oops they're black. With blue eyes, I saw them in Mars.
ReplyDeleteThey are beautiful and I am glad the live in a separate island away from crazy town! Those kids are adorable!
ReplyDeleteblack beauty is real
ReplyDeleteThey are ANCIENTLY African. Nobody said they are descendants of Africans who immigrated 50 or a 100 years ago. More like 50 THOUSAND years ago...
ReplyDeleteDid you know the KJV1611 Bible is the answer to were we all come from. The truth is King James is black and the scripts he had translated are of a black origin the 12 tribes of Israel are in fact not white but are the native indigenous people around the world such as Australian Aboriginals and Seminal Indians(Reuben), Dominican(Simeon), Haitians(Levi), Panamanians(Zebulon), Puerto Ricans(Ephraim), Cubans(Mannaseh), Hawaiians Pacific Islanders(Naphtali), North American Indians(Gad), South & Central Native Americans(Asher), Mexicans(Issachar), West Indies & Jamaican(Benjamin).
ReplyDeleteIf you read all through Deuteronomy 28:15-25,28:29,32,44-45,48,64. In the King James Bible than you will begin to understand the curses that was put on the people for not following the Most Highs words the commandments. And read Isaiah 42:22,51:20,Ezra 9:7, Lamentations 1:5, Amo's 3:1-2,9:4, Jeremiah 24:9, Psalm 106:41, Get the KJV1611 Apocrypha for: Baruch 4:6-8, Deuteronomy 4:27, Acts 2:5, Daniel 9:11-12. OK then you will see and know go on YouTube look up GOCC lesson on the 12 tribes of Israel. thats all the help I can give u ok. So Ahayah bless you all and wake up Israel and Qam Yasharahla.
King James is a well portrayed white homosexual english king. The KJV constructed by the occult sir John Dee. Khazarian history speaks about white red haired jews and native americans remember genociding white red haired giants in America. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you have been mindprogrammed. Aboriginal people from Australia do not descend from africans and there are black people in many regions on earth. These blue eyes look as if coming from the stars and do not even remind me of blueeyed people in the Netherlands. It does remind me a bit of the colour my own eyes change to when really being in spiritual harmony, which is rare these days. So be curious, keep an open mind. Whatever caused this eyecolour is not black african people and may not be of this earth. There is a chinese boy with blue eyes who can see in the dark.
DeleteAfrica is a county not a people and Israel is a bloodline not a country and the minority of people in Africa they are hamites except for the Igbo people they are descendents of Sham that remaine in that continent closest relatives to the Afro Americans victims of slavery that was Hebrews their the real Jew's of the bible that ran in to Africa to escape the Japhites and Edomites Muslims and Roman's ect. There has been lots of conspiracys against the most Highs chosen people from the start taking over land and White washing history from Rome to Europe to were they placed there rulers around the world this day Still stealing lying and working for the devil creating false history and hiding the true past of ethnic cultures from the conquering of England Ireland Scotland Spain America Australia and all the pacific Islands Evan Japan. From the agreement with African government to invade and abduct the Israelite tribes from their camps to enslaved them down to the invasion on the Israelites which are the native people the Americans the south pacific nations and the Australian aboriginals with the murder of the elders rape and pillage taking them off land stealing kids from the parents placing the children in mission homes and the slave trade blackbirding and teaching them that they are savages and are dirty and forcing Christianity and catholicism with fauls doctrines of the Bible saying they come in the name of God for years they've been using their lies to deceive the real chosen people of the Bible all 12 tribes taking them away from their promises why do you think they use certain archaeologist to discover the history of people now with using this incorrect carbondating to distract you from the truth in these days still trying to change history making people believe science and ideology taking away the truth of creation and the spiritual belief that's been around from the Dawn Of Time and them that knows the spiritual side they make them believe in fauls Gods and witchcrafts the elites know who chosen people are that's why they hide the truth and falsify the past so no one will find out and taking over 60000 scriptures from the Bible and saying they made the Bible easier to understand with the NIV taking the true understanding of history and prophecys for who the scriptures are really for Now all praises and thanks to the Most High Ahayah for the awakening and understanding of the world we live in and for the survival of the scriptures and his people we can now come back to the truth and in the light of Yashaya Christ our savior to guide us we can see through the lies the the wicked controls the world in all you see and do the end is coming but it will be the beginning for the righteous who come back to the Most High Ahayah real Jews and gentiles alike but the Jewish will pay cause them Khazars is The Synagogue of Satan with the Roman Empires all across the world will burn. They stole the Lands they stole the Bible and they stole the identity. Please Wake up people
ReplyDeleteU hit it on the nose .Good teaching
ReplyDeleteBlack people are everywhere, we are extremely diverse & are populated on all 7 continenents
ReplyDeleteYou cannot say that because someone has a black skincolour they are genetically related. Aboriginal people do not descend from african people. Different tribes with black skins have very different facial features. Children of Jefferson with his black slavemistress, raped or consensual, now have white descendants. And with his white wife the other way round. In our world there are blackskinned people who gave birth to white children and whiteskinned people that gave birth to blackskinned people and in mixed marriages i have known of twins, one black skinned, the other white skinned looking nothing alike, as always is with fraternal twins. Your take is becoming quite racist and threatening to escalate into a racial war worldwide. Tell me what you know about white slaves in american history or white slavery in the USA right now as well as black slavery in AFrica right now of black children.
DeleteBlack people are everywhere, we are extremely diverse & are populated on all 7 continenents
ReplyDeleteBlondes have more fun even in Africa
ReplyDeleteMaybe watch a docu on albinos in Africa before making such a stupid comment. And yes somehow many humans of all colours have this preference for blond hair, often fake, died. I have seen black men in dutch discos dripping with saliva, like dogs, when seeing a blond girl dancing on the dancefloor. Quite disgusting. Google what a glorious hole means, when it comes to the raping of black boys in cubicles in the boys sextrade, with rentboys. Boys for sale f.i.
DeleteNice article, only correction is that Melanesians are somehow Africans. They are actually descendant from East Asian populations and no more African than a Spanish or Swiss (unless you refer to first Homo Sapiens?). Thanks
ReplyDeleteThey may not be Africans, but they are black people