Wednesday, 4 December 2013


'Slaughter of 1,00 virgins': Locals feared the colour change was an result of mass murder or 'evil', although the most likely explanation is that of a broken filtration system at a nearby slaughterhouse

Hmm, this reminds me of the case of the plagues of river Nile in the bible.
A river in Myjava, a small municipality on the border to the Czech Republic, earlier this week  changed colour over night and turned into 'blood'.

Police in the area are currently  investigating  the matter, but it is believed to be a faulty filtering system from a slaughterhouse upstream.
Many residents in the area tag it creepy and superstitious.

Riverrun: Residents in the small town of Myjava in Slovakia awoke to a river red as blood

1 comment:

  1. I am from Myjava. Myjava is in Slovakia not Czech..... use atlas before posting something.
