Sunday, 28 July 2013


At a certain time, Drake was alleged to be dating older Young Money Cash Money  Member Nicki Minaj.
Last week, DJ Khaled proposed to Nicki Minaj (Check previous posts) and while I was searching intensely to find out Nicki's response , I stumbled across this post by Global Grind, and laughed out hard, till tears started streaming down my face lol.

Global Grind had to do an enactment of Drakes response to DJ Khaled's proposal which was so funny loooool.
You will recall Drake had earlier proposed indirectly to Nicki via twitter in the past as seen below.
Kai, Nicki's bum bum na true selling point heeeehe.

According to Global Grind, below is how Drake took the news
''Earlier today, we contacted some reliable sources who are close to Drake. And he or she gave us the 411 on how Drake took the news.
Yesterday started out pretty normally for Drake.
He woke up in a good mood...
...had some breakfast
...hung out with Wayne...
...spit some bars... 
Then he checked his Twitter, saw the news...
It literally felt like a shot to the heart...
(Or his back.)
Then the five stages of grief hit...
Then Anger
Bargaining came
And then Depression
And finally Acceptance
It hurts so much because he and Khaled were so cool...
And, man, it's tough making new friends
Drake thought about all the memories for a while
But then he just said fuck it, time to move on...
Because Drake's a man, B
And he gets bitches
So be prepared, ladies; Drake’s back!