Tuesday, 30 July 2013


I have been having  some challenges with my one of my ears recently. I had resorted to self medication with no positive results and stopped hearing properly with the ear.
The negative comments and insinuations made by some of my closest friends such as '' Chidinma, you may be getting deaf''  was enough to have me sprinting to the hospital, a place I truly dread to have my ear checked.
Not  hearing at all  or properly  was just not an option and truly  beyond my comprehension.
Both my ears had to be functional. 
The thoughts of not being able to hear silent whispers from my husband/lover  to be during heights of sexual ecstasy or chatter in various spheres as a blogger further motivated me to see an ENT specialist.
I arrived the hospital ( name withheld)   at 8.am and to my surprise , there were tons of people already waiting to see the doctor.
This is definitely going to be a long wait I said to myself , as I sat down and began reading a book.
Some hours later a group of about 5 doctors passed by me and behold, I couldn't help acknowledging they were real hunks.
 My eyes immediately  hovered  down at their fingers and  though  two  amongst them were married evident with their rings.
 I subconsciously eliminated the married two and focused on the obvious remaining three with no rings on.
Thoughts  began running through my head such as  cute, tall enough, not tall enough, protruding belly, flat belly, broad shoulders etc ( trying to merge their outlook with possible traits I wanted my future kids to inherit lol )  as I scrutinized them one after the other.
 I stepped back to reality a couple of minutes later and heaved a deep sigh.
What they hell is wrong with you? I asked myself.
You never used to be like this,  a part of my mind said.
While I'll attest to the fact that I have not been one of such chicks you may tag to be overly guy crazy (  I can really be single for long)  having to be in a relationship at all times for fear of loneliness ( Oh yes, some chicks are wired that way),  the incessant pictures of white wedding gowns and babies in shawls on my Facebook page is a constant reminder that indeed most of my peer group are establishing solid feet in  their husbands houses and whether they are happy is their own ''cup of tea''.
The knowledge sends an unplanned and indirect form of pressure which I attribute to the cause of my scrutiny and '' potential mates evaluation''.
Finally It was my turn to see a doctor, and she happened to be female. Just when I was trying to concentrate on the diagnosis being read out by the ENT Doctor, another hunky doctor walked in with no rings on, and my mind began its usual scrutiny again.
Damn! The many challenges of living the ripe single girl life I tot and laughed in my mind.
But really, why are most doctors and  Reverend Fathers so cute?
Is there a part the white lab coat , or priestly robes play?
Curious though lol!

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