Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher aka ''Iron Lady'' is going to be buried today.
In some of the pictures , Baroness Thatcher's coffin is taken with full military honours from the chapel of St Mary Undercroft in Parliament to St Paul's Cathedral for her funeral.

There’s a Turn Your Back on Thatcher protest planned today for her funeral. They plan to “reject the legacy” of Maggie Thatcher by quietly turning their backs on the coffin as it goes by.
The Turn Your Back on Maggie Thatcher group has 196 likes. The Turn Your Back on Thatcher group has 411 likes. More than 800 people have pledged to attend Maggie’s Good Riddance Party and some have vowed to pelt her coffin with eggs and coal. Those are not earth-shattering numbers, given that tens of thousands of miners lost their jobs during the mine closures of 1984-85, and anyway these numbers are just Facebook pledges. 
Wow drama also in Britain, not only Naija.
Check out pictures below

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The Quee,, the Prime Minister and Chancellor at the Funeral

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