Friday, 22 February 2013


I was inspired to write this piece after I spotted the picture above of Madea (Tyler Perry) cocking  a gun with the message ''Ask me again when I am getting married''.

The picture though hilarious must have been  created by a man/guy or lady  pressured  to settle down.
In Nigeria , once a lady or a guy/man attains a certain kind of age and financial stability, they are expected to settle down, get married and start a family.
Mostimes,  ladies are most affected since there is a  popular belief that ladies have a certain timeline and besides proposing doesn't lie in their power.
Question now is , should I get married to just any kind of guy or lady because the society feels I am ripe?
What if I am not ready, or haven't met the right person?
While I am aware that some ladies/ men can be extremely choosy when it comes to settling down and picking a life partner , I'm also aware that some have not been lucky in relationships and  haven't met a good man worthy of letting them discard their surnames and taking up his or any lady worthy bearing their surnames.
The fact that ones friends and age mates are getting married , does it mean one should be pressured too?
Marriage is meant for two compatible mature minds in love with the knowledge that it entails sacrifice, understanding, commitment, faithfulness, respect, support, patience etc to the best of my knowledge.
If I haven't found anyone as a guy or lady to share the  mentioned points above with, should I be pressured then ?
Which age is really too early, just right or too late?
If you fall into the pressured category  and you probably own a Blackberry or a Facebook profile, feel free to use the picture above as your display or profile picture and pass your message across lol.

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