Wednesday 29 July 2015


A year had passed after service and I was still doing not so fancy jobs to survive. I began asking myself If God  was really with me at all, because everything seemed bleak.
Oluchi had been in Lagos all these while, and we decided to catch up with each other. I was so elated to see her. She looked pretty and seemed really happy and comfortable. She was dating some comfortable guy at that time also. 
We joked , laughed, gossiped and she let me in on her latest relationship . Her new boo worked for one of the highbrow companies in Lagos and spoiled her silly with material gifts and love.

Why do I not meet these sort of men, I queried myself? It seemed the forces of the universe weren’t working at all in my favour. I kept meeting the wrong   men, mostly married guys who wanted mistresses, unfortunately I wasn’t their perfect candidate.
It was never my notion to date someone’s husband ever. To think that some even lived in my estate and had the guts to want an affair , was mind bugling. What if a wife found out and bathed me with acid? Vivid scary thoughts flashed my mind.
I found it funny though that many of the men cared less of the consequences of their actions and comfortably stated their wives were sorted out financially and were too busy or bothered to care about their affairs with other women.
I quickly snapped out of my random thoughts and Oluchi and I continued with our chit chat. Time flew past really quickly, and we agreed to see each other again  at an upcoming beach party which would afford me to catch up with ex school mates, and possibly mingle with single dudes with great prospects.

1 comment:

  1. take it easy dear.. mr right will def come
