Saturday 21 March 2015


Sibling rivalry:  Kim had to ask her sisters for permission to be featured in her video game but while Khloe, 30, didn't seem to care as long as her game character looked good, pregnant Kourtney didn't want to play ball

In this Sunday's episode of the reality series, the girls are seen locked in a bitter battle over Kourtney's refusal to feature in her younger sister's wildly successful video game app Kim Kardashian Hollywood.

'It's ridiculous for you to just not do that for me as a favor because I have done so much for you,' Kim tells her.
In another scene, as Kim tries to reason with her siblings, Kourtney fires back, saying: 'I just don't get why they use our name and likeness and don't pay us.'
In contrast, Khloe, 30, seems pretty okay with having her character added to the game.
'Just don't make me look like a beast and I'm good,' she tells Kim.
In the upcoming episode, Kim is seen getting increasingly frustrated with Kourtney's attitude and her lack of gratitude.
'Why am I not shocked? Kourtney always is difficult,' Kim says to camera. 'When we were first starting out our careers I would do anything to help them out.'
She goes on: 'Kourtney doesn't have to lift a finger. She doesn't have to do anything. She should do this for me, like, with no questions asked.'
But the eldest Kardashian girl makes it clear that she doesn't see things the same way.
'Kim's making it seem like she's doing us a favor by having us in her video game,' says Kourtney, who was pregnant with her third child when the series was filmed.
'All these other people are doing it. I'm pregnant. I have a lot going on. I don't need to put myself into one more thing.

Kim's game app, which lets players pursue the life of an A-lister in Hollywood, has been hugely popular and is projected to earn $200 million in profit.

Source:Daily Mail

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