Sunday 21 September 2014



Isaac Owusu Bempah of Glorious Word Ministry International (GWMI) in Accra Ghana has accused Prophet T.B Joshua of human sacrifice. The pastor while on Okay FM yesterday on the Morning show said;

‘This are evil hands at work because I know people who have to make human sacrifices in order to be promoted in the spiritual realm…I know some people will vilify me for making this known.’
He also accused the SCOAN prophet for coming to Ghana some time ago and causing the death of four people during a programme he held.

President Jacob Zuma on Thursday vowed his government would do everything it can to help the families of 67 South Africans believed killed in last week’s church collapse in Nigeria.
Facing allegations that the South African government’s response to the tragedy was tardy and inadequate, Zuma said he had appointed a ministerial task force to respond.
“They will support families and do whatever is necessary to manage the impact of this tragedy,” he said.ur people. You also woke up one day and a whole building collapsed, killing over 80 people.’
A South African public affairs commentator, Allan Taylor, expressed concerns over the number his fellow citizens killed in the tragedy.
South African President, Jacob Zuma, on Tuesday noted that in recent times, the country had not witnessed the death of a large number of her citizens in one incident in a foreign land.
Alan Taylor lamented that TB Joshua was allegedly deceiving and luring South Africans to his church in Nigeria.
Taking a swipe at TB Joshua, he accused him of unfairly personalising the tragedy at the expense of the “unfortunate victims.”
“I’m saddened by the death of up to 67 South Africans in the Nigerian church collapse and at the hands of TB Joshua’s greed. It is also important to expose those who lured the unfortunate victims to Nigeria on false pretences.
“Innocent lives of people have been lost; yet TB Joshua makes the tragedy about himself. He is a disgrace,” the enraged South African wrote on Twitter.

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