Friday 26 September 2014


Ever since Miss Nigeria UK's engagement to older billionaire Prince Sunny Aku hit most blogs and media sites, tongues have been wagging including mine loool.
 My  friends and I have had heated arguments over this (as usual). The bone of contention is would you marry a rich older guy if the opportunity presents itself?

Well, with regards this question,  I 'd really prefer a successful younger guy, but like they say, one man's meat is another man's poison. A friend of mine  Chioma vehemently stated she'd prefer a rich older guy  and gave solid reasons for her choice viz:

1. A rich older guy offers you stability 

 You wouldn't have to worry about Nigeria and unemployment.  He would not bear to see his young wife struggle with other graduates writing job tests which won't even guarantee success in the end.
If you are too bored being a rich house wife, he gets to set up a business bearing full capital cost, or places a call across to a friend if you indeed need a white collar job.

2 .A rich older guy tolerates you more
According to Chioma (my friend) women have certain times when a nut in their head goes off , and as humans with imperfections, there are times we would misbehave. A younger guy may not be tolerant enough and may fail to overlook certain things unlike and older  more experienced guy.

3. You spend less of your money , and have more savings
This applies to averagely frivolous ''trophy '' wives. A rich older guy would not point out that you are his help mate and expect you to contribute any kobo  to run his household . You do not have to worry about rent, children's fees, vacations, feeding allowance and more. There is apparently more than enough.

4. Your children are guaranteed the best

Asides huge inheritances, your children are guaranteed to have the best of everything at their disposal. Best schools, best healthcare , luxury etc. If they fail to put the opportunities to good use, then it is their fault not yours.

5. He spoils you silly

Come on now ladies, wouldn't you want to sleep in Versace , wake up in Prada, bath in Christian Dior and run your day in Givenchy?
A rich older guy who loves you  will give you anything within his capability to make you happy.
Vacations 6 months a year, you got it, 3 houses full of clothes,  you got it, fleets of cars, you got it etc.
All you need to is say the word with a little frown, and it gets done.

6. You struggle less
A rich older is already established. He has tons of investments and stuff going for him. Why would you struggle?

Ok ok, most of the benefits  are material and monetised, but money does solve a whole lot of problems abi no be so?

Chioma had stated hers with support from a few other friends and I decided to state  the disadvantages viz

1. Bedmatics- He may have poor bedroom skills

A rich older guy may lack sexual vigour as a result of age. He may be old school , not willing to come up with creative ways to please his lady in bed and you have to worry about putting in Viagra secretly into what he consumes so as not to damage his self esteem or opt for a younger vibrant boy toy outside.

2. Most richer guys are often married with kids, so you are marrying second hand
 Some ladies have no qualms getting married to previously married men as long as they are offered great comfort. If they have to step on any toe to have the comfort they seek, they'll care less 

Chioma was quick to argue that marrying a single guy doesn't  guarantee you are marrying chassis ( I agreed with this point).
''Men are funny creatures she said.'' You marry a normal struggling guy with no/ little money and when he makes it big, he changes,  running after younger women. He forgets the past , may treat you shabbily and claims you are a nag when you complain''.

3. Longevity
I agree that no one knows their death dates . You could marry a younger man, and he dies in an accident , or from sickness ( not our portion's sha) , marry an older man and he stays longer e,g Hugh Hefner.
In a more realistic  sense , the older one gets , the closer they are to the grave , so you end up risking the possibility of becoming a widow quickly.

4. Generational Gap

Being 20 years younger than him, you obviously do not belong to his generation. Having certain social discussions with him could pose a barrier. Imagine being in your 20's and discussing Facebook, Twitter, Insta hot, Selfie etc with your husband in his 5O's. Would he flow or even care looool?
Chioma countered this point . '' You can upgrade him and teach him she said ''.
But really, can you teach an old dog new tricks?
 The argument went on and on. It would take a whole day to type all that was said.

If you have any points to add, or you do not agree with any point feel free to drop your opinions heeeeehe.

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