They used to be very good friend's i.e Afrocandy and Queen of Vagina. You will recall Queen of Vagina gave Afrocandy 1000 dollars after she camde online to beg for money.
QOV took to her facebook page today, issuing a disclaimer severing all relationship with Afrocandy.
She said
This is a disclaimer, I have severed all my relationship with Afrocandy hence forth, because I don't want to be affiliated with a "Pathological liar", a crook and a con Artist. Afrocandy has been lying and decieving poor Nigerians that she can make them to become movie stars, if they pay her money, because she resides in the USA. She has now confessed on public interview that she has pulled a stunt, by conning me out of my one thousand dollars, I also introduced her to my super star celebrity friend Denrele Edun and she conned him as well.
Nigerians be careful Afrocandy would pull various stunts to extort money from you guys, and you will loose all your money in the end, because she has nothing to offer any one. Afrocandy is a common thief and a rip off, every thing about Afrocandy is all empty boasts, loud noise, pride, arrogance and false hood. Afrocandy's sex web site is fake that's why no one can access it, her Auditions in Nigeria is fake, her movie scenes in Nigeria are all fake. Afrocandy is a game player, she makes false promises to desperate poor Nigerians who look up to her, she takes advantage of poor vulnerable people because she lives in the USA.
Nigerian people be wise please don't ever give Afrocandy your hard earned money in exchange for stardom,because every thing she's promising you desperate Nigerians are all packs of lies, and empty promises.
Afrocandy just came to Nigeria to extort money from desperate poor people in Nigeria. she just wants to steal your money and disappear. She's always scheming on how to conviniently extort money from her fans. Nigerians Afrocandy is not your God, so put all your hopes in God, because with God all things are possible.
I will never extort money from my fans, because I was not brought up to be a fraudster. If I had known that Afrocandy was a scammer, I would not have gotten myself involved with her in the first instance. I am here by publicly completely breaking every ties I have with Afrocandy before she gets me in to serious trouble. Any one who still goes ahead to hand over their money to Afrocandy has only themselves to blame.
Queen of Vagina.
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