Richard Templar is one of my favourite authors. I had discussed one of his books ''Rules of Love'' Part 1 in my previous book review, but now, I would like to share some rules in his book '' Rules of Work''to enable employees get good at their jobs and find fulfilment in terms of growth, promotions etc.
Check out some rules below

1. Get Your Work Noticed
This entails putting in some effort to boost some personal kudos for your work. Making a mark to stand out in order to realise your promotional potential. Be very good at your job , don’t get distracted and do stuff outside normal working routine.

2. Never Stand Still
Never go to work going through to going home time. Doing your job isn’t the end game for you, it should be a means to an end. The end for you should be promotion. Every activity you indulge in should be a cog in your plan to move up.
Always plan and execute your next manoeuvre assessing competition amongst colleagues, researching ways to improve the work process for everyone, writing unsolicited reports, further their knowledge on company procedure and history
Doing your job is not enough, you do not sit on your backside and do nothing or stand still.

3. Volunteer Carefully
Instead of saying yes to everything and getting overworked , before you volunteer at work ask the following questions
1. Why is this person asking for volunteers ?
2. How will it further my plan?
3. How will I look if I don’t volunteer?
4. Is this a dirty job that no one else wants?
5. Is this person genuinely overburdened and desperately in need of my help?
The author emphasises you do not volunteer on stuffs that would make you look like a practical joke and don’t give your colleagues an opportunity to turn you to a volunteer scape goat.

4 . Carve out a niche for yourself
Carving out a niche for yourself means spotting a useful area no one else has spotted. It takes you out of office activities, making you stand out from the herd, giving you independence and superior quality.

5. Under promise and over deliver
If you promise to meet customers’ expectations above a certain limit or timeline, this rule states you give the customer a wow experience by surpassing their expectations.
Within work, try to get reports ready before deadlines. If impossible negotiate a longer delivery time so you don’t end up looking like a push over and incompetent when you don't meet up.

6 . Know something others don’t
Knowing something that others don’t gives you an edge. You can do it with skills, talents, expertise, aptitude or flair.
Whatever you decide, make sure it’s relevant, topical and interesting
7. Be 100 percent committed
For a rules player there is no lounging, losing sight of your long term goal, no slip ups, no accidental mistakes or deviations from the script.
You need to watch what you say, and what you do.
You have to be vigilant, dedicated, watchful, keen , ready, prepared, cautious, alert on the ball.

8.Enjoy what you are doing
Make sure you enjoy your job and let people know that. Work being good means you take pride in what you do, enjoy the challenge and look forward to each day with optimism and enthusiasm.
It means enjoying the hiring and firing , negotiating, day to day challenges, the stresses, the disappointments, the uncertain future etc.

9 Develop the right Attitude
Have the right attitude In terms of viewing stuff from both employee and management angle. Instead of siding with colleagues all the time only, try to see new policies from management angle.
Giving everything your best shot not just when it is easy, but when it is awful as well. It also means going the extra mile, giving it an extra effort even when you are pissed and ready to quit.
It also means never moaning, always upbeat looking for an advantage and an edge.
It means aware that you have enormous power, and knowing that you will exercise the power with kindness, restraint, humanity and consideration.
It entails being good but quick, kind but observant, considerate but successful.

10. Never Let Anyone Know How Hard You Work
Rule players never moan about how much time and effort they put into their work.
They communicate suave, relaxed, languid, in control and chilled personalities.
To the outside observer , you are taking it easy and taking it all in your stride. Look for ways to ease your workload unnoticed and take the time to learn, study gain experience, knowledge , read and ask questions.
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