Friday, 5 July 2013


Tip the scales: He says bodypainting is 'special' because the artwork is alive and can ove

These paintings were done by  Johannes Stoetter an artist  who has replaced canvas with the human body, transforming his living models into objects inspired by the natural world.
 35 year old Johannes,  spends up to five months painstakingly planning and perfecting each of his amazing creations.

Johannes said 'I found out about the body painting world championship and took part for the first time in 2009.
'To my amazement I finished fifth, and that was the beginning of a new bodypainting era for me.
'From that moment I was fixed on winning the world title.
'I started bodypainting full time, and in 2012 my hard work finally paid off - I won.
'It was one of the best feelings in my life.
'Bodypainting is special because the artwork is alive and can move.
He also gushed saying '''While a canvas painting lasts forever, a bodypainting exists only for a few hours.
'The skin is very different to canvas - it is alive, it is soft and warm, it is a very comfortable base to paint on.
'There are some designs I can do in just a few hours while others take up to eight hours.
'In bodypainting you create unity between an image and a person.
'A lot of my inspiration comes from nature.
'I think I observe the world, nature, colours and shapes with very clear eyes and an open heart.
'And painting is my big passion. I think the secret of good work is to always have a love for it.'

Check out more pictures below

Frog-otten art: The latest and most impressive creations is a lifelike tropical tree frog using five people to recreate the animal's body, legs arms and head
The latest and most impressive creation is a lifelike tropical tree frog using five people to recreate the animal's body, legs arms and head

Owl does he do it? Each work of art then takes up to eight hours to complete using special breathable paint

Owl does he do it? Each work of art then takes up to eight hours to complete using special breathable paintGet you head around this: The stunning creations, which include fruit made from painted heads, have earned Johannes the world bodypainting title

Wood you believe it? Johannes, 35, spends up to five months painstakingly planning and perfecting each of his amazing creations

Tip the scales: He says bodypainting is 'special' because the artwork is alive and can moveTip the scales: He says bodypainting is 'special' because the artwork is alive and can ove

Use yer melon: Johannes says he observes 'the world, nature, colours and shapes with very clear eyes and an open heart'

Visual wiz Johannes Stoetter has replaced canvas with the human body, transforming his living models into objects inspired by the natural world.

source: Dailymail

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