Monday 8 April 2013


Popular  Man of God and famous founder of Joel Osteen ministries , Pastor   Joel Osteen took to his website and blog announcing his decision to live the Christian faith.
Check out full details below

A special message from Pastor Joel

Friday, March 29, 2013

"Thank you for visiting. As many of you may know, and may have heard in the news recently, many of my sermons have deviated from traditional Christian doctrine. I have been accused of altering the 'message' to fit my own doctrine and dogma. Others have accused me of preaching 'feel good Christianity'. I have also been accused of profiting greatly from my ministry, with my books and television deals.
Many of their criticisms are legitimate.

What they don't know is that deep down in my heart, for a number of years now, I have been questioning the faith, Christianity and whether Jesus Christ is really my, or anyone's, 'savior'. 

I am now at the point that I am comfortable enough in what I believe that I am ready to announce to the world that I am no longer a Christian. I am no longer a believer in Christ. I no longer believe the Bible is the word of God.

I believe now that the Bible is a fallible, flawed, highly inconsistent history book that has been altered hundreds of times. There is zero evidence the Bible is the holy word of God. In fact, there is zero evidence "God" even exists. I believe I am more like God than the God of the Bible, a fictional character.  

Today, I informed my closest colleagues of my decision to leave the church. Our ministry will continue in a bare-bones fashion as we liquidate our assets and fulfill various financial obligations.

I want to thank my wife, our parishioners and our faithful followers, the City of Houston, Lakewood, the State of Texas and my close friends, Oprah Winfrey and Larry King, for all of our support over the years

We're also having some trouble transferring ownership of some of our web sites, so as of now, I haven't been able to update everything on all of them. I'm dealing with some church leaders who refuse to accept my resignation. They are refusing to change or alter any of our many web sites, and this is the only one I have control over."

Pastor Joel also plans to donate a percentage of his fortune to charity.

Watch video below


  1. Wonders shall never end!

  2. Ok, it's not April Fool's....this is really sad, this can't be true :(

  3. It's not, it is a hoax.

  4. very sad but not odd considering he has millions of dollars and the devil usually is able to get to ppl with millions rather than those of us who are normal. i hope he finds his way back to god for he will welcome him with open arms

  5. Yes this is a hoax but that doesn't mean that he isn't preaching an anti christ doctrine. I have over the years come to terms with those who follow blindly and call themselves christians. i hope all material things you accumulate in your live's will follow you in the after life. But even the most sheered sheep i don't think fully believes this one. Good luck and God bless there is still hope for you all caught in the spin of Doctor feel good religion.

  6. Yes this is hoax but i'm still quite amazed at some of the comments, I find the post modern and modern tv preacher's quite comical but their followers even more so, i feel sorry for those who are so locked in to the anti christ teachings that are so prevalent out there. So many sound bites to make whatever message they are trying to convey and call a message from God while piling up their riches in full view. And telling their follower's that they are god's "little g gods" chosen people and how prosperous god want's them to be. Even the most sheered sheep should catch on to this one false teaching along with the countless feel good teachings that have made God's church in to
    a temple of money grubbers and sneak handler's. And yea there is hope for all it's never to late to turn away from false teachings and pick up your crosses and follow the real Jesus Christ who is the redeemer of all.
